At certain times of the year, I’m on the road a lot. And I mean “a lot-a lot”! As a result, I’m always looking for a safe, fun place, preferably with clean bathrooms, to let the active passengers in the back burn off some energy. One of our favorite little stops is the park of the little western Kansas town of Burdett. If you weren’t aware, and I wasn’t either for many years of my life, it is the boyhood home of Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of Pluto. To honor his great find, Burdett has a Pluto-themed mini golf course in its city park complete with many fun space facts. Now stop. I don’t care which side of the “Pluto is or is not a planet” argument you’re on. In my humble opinion, if someone discovered that tiny dot without the help of our modern technology back in 1930, they deserve a sign and a mini golf course either way!
Onto the park. If you are a connoisseur of carefully manicured greens like those you see at the Masters, this course may not be your thing. But, if you’re a connoisseur of good, clean family fun and can appreciate the effort this little town has made to create a space for locals and travelers alike to enjoy, this is definitely for you! The park is free as are clubs and balls, though you may want to pack a few extra balls just in case you need some spares. Don’t forget to return the equipment to the shed by the bathrooms when you’re through! Speaking of bathrooms, I have found them to be clean when I have stopped. If mini golf isn’t your thing, check out the playground with a wide array of modern and vintage equipment. There are picnic tables under the shelter so you can enjoy a snack in the shade as you watch the kids happily play.
Thanks, Burdett, for giving our family something to look forward to when we travel through the area!
The sign by Highway 156 honoring Dr. Tombaugh for his discovery of Pluto.
Rediscover Pluto Mini Golf!
A quaint little course!
Little factoids add a nice touch to the course.
The picnic shelter is on the left and the bathrooms are in the shade to the right.
A wide array of playground equipment to choose from!