Be your own great...

Who lived here?

Who lived here?

I’ve said more than once that I love looking at old buildings. I am an old soul and even as a kid I was fascinated with them. I wondered who lived there, what it was like on the inside and why they were abandoned.

I wonder what the story is with the old building pictured above. Maybe it was someone’s office, well house, or butcher shed on the farm? Was it a house? It seems a little small for that by American standards, but then, who am I to judge. What if it was a house? A house that someone had dreamed about. Maybe they came to the area with only a couple dollars to their name, started off in a sod structure, scrapped and saved until they could afford to build and made that building. What if? What if it was their great? Their great call in life. What if they had an amazing life there that set the stage for generations of greatness?

What is our great? Do we listen to that still small voice in our soul that guides us to our purpose, or do we get distracted by worldly standards and the current, ever changing measure of success?

I was messaging with a graduating senior today. As we were wrapping up I said, “Can’t wait to see what great things you’ll do in life.” I truly meant it. My students all have the potential to do great things. However, I hope they don’t substitute their great for someone else’s expectations or standards of great. Great can mean so many things and for some people, it may mean accolades, fame and fortune. There is nothing wrong with that. However, there is nothing wrong with being a hero in your own circle. Maybe great means being a faithful spouse, putting food on the table, raising children, volunteering for a local cause, showing up day after day at a job, holding the hand of a dying parent, starting a business, coaching little league, standing up for those who need it, being a listening ear, caring and the list could go on and on. Being great may not always seem sparkly on the outside, but you never know what impact your greatness has when you act on your calling.

Don’t miss you chance to be great while looking at something not meant for you. Comparing is a thief that robs the joy of the moment. Fear of others’ judgement can squash dreams meant to be fulfilled by you. Be brave and be your own kind of great!

Copyright 2021: Laura Haffner - Under the Flyover Sky
