Good morning America how are you? (Lyrics from the City of New Orleans)
The photos in this post were taken mere feet from one another. However, the perspective is completely different. One features a beautiful flare from the rising sun, peeking around a structure. In the other, the sun is not directly visible, but its presence is evident by they way its light stunningly reflects off the metal objects in the image.
Which one is right? Which one is better? Which one is more beautiful.
Its a hard choice. But does one really have to make a choice in this case? Can they both be good?
We all see things from our perspectives based on our own unique experiences, circumstances, and even baggage we bring into situation.
There are some things in life that are clearly wrong, some that are clearly right and some that have grey. The grey is the hard part and where we often get into trouble with each other.
We can work through the grey together by becoming actively involved in our communities, learning from each other, and allowing ourselves to observe from different points of view. This doesn’t mean we have to cave and degrade sincerely held beliefs. But it does allow us to get out of our own head and worlds and learn from others which opens the door for compassion and understanding of different situations. Compromise or even some give and take may be possible when a stranger becomes a friend. We are all human, have positive traits and all have things we can work on.