While harvesting in Oklahoma this summer, I noticed an old barn. That doesn’t say much, because as long as I have been alive, old barns and farmhouses have caught my attention and fancied my imagination, but that’s a story for another day.
The thing that really turned my head to the old shed, in addition to the peaceful surroundings, was the hole in the roof. I drove by multiple times that evening and wondered if I could catch the sun coming through the hole at just the right moment as it set in the sky. When the sun started going down, I headed back and waited. Sure enough, I was able to get the flare of light to pass through that hole and loved the result.
It also reminded me of life, as nature so often does. How many times do we feel holes in our soul? Maybe its a loss, a disappointment, or any trial in life for that matter. If we patiently wait, and let time take its course, eventually something comes along to help patch and fill that hole. It could be filled by a special friend, some kind words, or a faith experience. The hole might not fill completely, just like the hole in the roof, but maybe just enough to feel the warmth and see the brightness of the light to give us encouragement for a new day.
I hope, this week, that your soul is filled with light right when you need it most. Or, just maybe, you can give the special light to someone as well.